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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 33(3); 1996 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1996;33(3): 299.
화학선 증착법에 의한 $MgF_2$ 박막제조
박보현, 백성기
포항공과대학교 재료·금속공학과
Chemical Beam Deposition of $MgF_2$ Thin Films
We invesgated the fesibility of thin films deposition by pyrolysis of metalorganic precursors using chemical beam deposition (CBD) process. We attempted to understand the effects of deposition variables such as substrate temperature operating pressure effusion cell temperature and H2 partial pressure on the properties of MgF2 grown by CBD. Mg(tfac)2 was used as a precursor. MgF2 thin films were always grown in an amorphous state and crystallized bypost-annealing. he higher the substrate temperature and the lower the operating pressure the less the impurities I the deposited MgF2 thin films. H2 gas has to be supplied for the pyrolitic reaction of Mg(tfac)2 decomposition. MgF2 films annealed in H2 have lower C impurity than those annealed in O2. But their crysatllinity was independent of annealing atmosphere. The optimum conditions for the prepara-tion of MgF2 films by CBD process were as following : The substrate temperature 55$0^{circ}C$ the operating pressure 10-4 torr; effusion cell temperature 21$0^{circ}C$ the percentage of H2 100% Post-annealing in H2 gas was required to remove residual carbon and to form MgF2 crystalline phase.
Key words: $MgF_2$, Chemical bean deposition, Post-annealing
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