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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 37(6); 2000 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2000;37(6): 530.
Pb(Zr, Ti)$O_3$ 박막에서 결정립 크기 포화 현상에 관한 연구
이장식, 김찬수, 주승기
서울대학교 재료공학부
A Study on the Saturation of Grain Size in Pb(Zr, Ti)$O_3$ Thin Films
During the grain growth of the PZT thin films by selective nucleation method using PZT seed, it was found that the grain size was saturated with the annealing temperature. The saturation of grain size was analyzed by the interfacial energy which appeared during the crystallization. The factors affecting the saturation of grain size were found to be the interfacial energy between perovskite phase and pyrochlore phase, and PZT thin film and the bottom Pt electrode. When the ion damage was introduced to the grain-size saturated PZT thin films, further lateral growth was observed. Pt bottom electrode thickness was changed to control the interfacial energy between the PZT thin film and the Pt bottom electrode. When Pt thickness was increased, the grain size was also increased, because the lattice parameter of Pt films was increased with the thickness of the Pt films. The incubation time of nucleation was increased with the amount of the ion damage on the Pt films.
Key words: PZT, Thin film, Rosette, Single grain, Saturation of grain size
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