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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 60(3); 2023 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2023;60(3): 462-473.
doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s43207-023-00292-7
The influence of surface lithium residue to the performance of LiNi0.9Co0.05Mn0.05O2 cathode materials
Junjie Liu, Chenxiao Chu, Xianzhong Qin, Weisong Meng, Xinrui Xu, Bo Wang, Feipeng Cai
School of Energy and Power Engineering, Qilu University of Technology (Shandong Academy of Sciences), Shandong 250014, China
Correspondence  Bo Wang ,Email: wangb@sderi.cn
Feipeng Cai ,Email: caifp@sderi.cn
Received: November 10, 2022; Revised: January 27, 2023   Accepted: February 18, 2023.  Published online: March 7, 2023.
High nickel ternary cathode materials (Ni ≥ 90%) have great potential for application as power batteries in electric vehicles and have become a hot spot for research on cathode materials. However, the residual Li on the surface of the high Ni ternary cathode materials prepared by solid-phase sintering is one of the main reasons affecting their electrochemical performance. It is found that Li1 + x(Ni0.9Co0.05Mn0.05)1-xO2 with x = 0.3, which has a discharge-specific capacity of 205.74 mAh g−1 at 2.7–4.3 V, 0.1C and 184.1 mAh g−1 at 1 C, retained 89% of its initial discharge capacity after 100 cycles at 1 C. The discharge-specific capacity at 10 C was 153.14 mAh g−1. In addition, the Li residue of NCM90-1.03 was 17,189.959 ppm, and the total alkalinity was 4196.896 ppm. The results by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscope (SEM) showed that when the Li excess was 0.3%, it was possible to obtain uniform particle size, a wider Li layer, and reduced cation mixing. Therefore, choosing the right amount of excess Li can stimulate the application prospect of NCM90 in new energy vehicles.
Key words: Li residue · Cathode material · Nickel rich · Electrochemical properties · Structural stability · Cycling stability
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