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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 30(5); 1993 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1993;30(5): 389.
비정질 $PbTiO_3$ 박막의 결정화에 관한 연구
강영민, 김상섭, 백성기
포항공과대학 재료·금속공학과
Crystallization of Amorphours $PbTiO_3$ Thin Film
We studied the crystallization behavior of amorphous PbTiO3 thin film grown at 30$0^{circ}C$ by RF magnetron sputtering on Pt substrate. Crystallization to full perovskite phase was observed after annealing at 475$^{circ}C$, for 9min, without PbO volatilization. The higher the annealing temperature, the shorter the time required for crystallization. The isothermal kinetic study at 475$^{circ}C$ showed that the Avrami constant was approximately 4, which implies that the crystallization can be characterized by isotropic 3-dimensional growth with a constant nucleation rate. The TEM study revealed that the crystallized thin film was composed of very fine (20~100nm) grains oriented randomly without any evidence of 90$^{circ}$domain boundaries.
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