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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 60(1); 2023 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2023;60(1): 203-214.
doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s43207-022-00256-3
Studies of structural, microstructural, optical and dielectric properties of GdMnO3
Supriya Priyadarshinee1, Jayashree Pati1, Ranjita Mahapatra1 , Pragyan Mohanty1, D. K. Mishra1, Jyoshnarani Mohapatra2
1Department of Physics, Faculty of Engineering and Technology (ITER), Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan Deemed to be University, Khandagiri Square, Bhubaneswar 751030, Odisha, India
2Department of Physics, College of Basic Science and Humanities, Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology, Bhubaneswar 751003, Odisha, India
Correspondence  Ranjita Mahapatra ,Email: ranjitamahapatra@soa.ac.in
Received: March 10, 2022; Revised: August 24, 2022   Accepted: September 29, 2022.  Published online: October 25, 2022.
GdMnO3 has been synthesized by modified solid state reaction route followed by reaction sintering at 950 °C. Characterizations such as XRD, Raman, SEM, EDAX, FTIR, UV–Visible and dielectric have been carried out for the structural, microstructural, optical and dielectric studies. Orthorhombic structure with pbnm space group of GdMnO3 sample has been confirmed from XRD analysis. Uniform distribution with small amount of porosity has been confirmed from SEM analysis. John–Teller mode is observed at 616 cm−1 (B1g) in the Raman spectrum of GdMnO3 sample. The optical band gap value of the synthesized GdMnO3 sample is found to be 3.22 eV which indicates the insulating behavior of the sample. An elevated dielectric constant value with increase in temperature and a very negligible dielectric loss is observed for the synthesized sample which makes its applications in memory storage devices. The room temperature dielectric constant value of GdMnO3 is found to be 649 with dielectric loss factor of 1.73 at 1 kHz frequency which is comparatively higher that of the dielectric constant values already reported. The dielectric constant value at 500 °C is found to be 44,112 with loss factor 1.04 at 1 kHz frequency that it has more significant high temperature applications. Complex impedance and modulus studies confirm the relaxation mechanism as Non-Debye type relaxation.
Key words: GdMnO3 · Structural properties · Dielectric properties · AC conductivity · Impedance analysis · Optical properties
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