착체중합법을 이용한 (Ni,Mg)Al2O4 Cyan 나노 무기안료 합성 |
손보람, 윤대호1, 한규성, 조우석, 황광택, 김진호 |
한국세라믹기술원 이천분원 1성균관대학교 공과대학 신소재공학 |
Synthesis of (Ni,Mg)Al2O4 Ceramic Nano Pigment by a Polymerized Complex Method |
Bo-Ram Son, Dea-Ho Yoon1, Kyu-Sung Han, Woo-Suk Cho, Kwang-Taek Hwang, Jin-Ho Kim |
Incheon Branch, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering & Technology (KICET) 1School of Advanced Materials Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University |
Here, we report preparation of cyan ceramic nano-pigment for inkjet printing and the Ni substitutional effects on the cyan color. $MgAl_2O_4$ was selected as the crystalline host network for the synthesis of nickel-based cyan ceramic nano-pigments. Various compositions of $Ni_xMg_{1-x}Al_2O_4$ ($0{leq}x{leq}1$) powders were prepared using the polymerized complex method. The powder was then preheated at $400^{circ}C$ for 5 h and finally calcined at $1000^{circ}C$ for 5 h. XRD patterns of $Ni_xMg_{1-x}Al_2O_4$ showed a single phase of the spinel structure in all the compositions. The particle sizes ranged from 20 to 50 nm in TEM observations. The characteristics of the color tones of $Ni_xMg_{1-x}Al_2O_4$ were analyzed by UV-Visible spectroscopy and CIE $L^*a^*b^*$ measurement. CIE $L^*a^*b^*$ measurement results indicate that the pigment color changes from light cyan to deep cyan due to the decrease of the $a^*$ and $b^*$ values with an increase of an Ni substitutional amount. In addition, the thermal stability and the binding nature of $Ni_xMg_{1-x}Al_2O_4$ are also discussed using TG-DSC and FT-IR results respectively. |
Key words:
Cyan ceramic nano-pigment, $Ni_xMg_{1-x}Al_2O_4$, Spinel, Polymerized complex method, Inkjet printing |