Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1996;33(8): 849. |
보헤마이트로부터 $alpha$-알루미나 분말 제조시 분말 물성에 미치는 음이온의 영향 |
임경란, 임창섭, 장진욱1 |
한국과학기술연구원 세라믹스연구부 1서울대학교 무기재료공학과 |
Influence of Anions on Physical Properties of $alpha$-Alumina Powder Derived from Boehmite |
boehmite which is the by-product in alcohol process contains anions such as $Cl^-,{NO_3}^-.or; CH_3COO^-$ Influe-nce of these anions was studied on properties of $alpha$-alumina powders prepared by treating the transformed ${gamma}$-alumina with the alumina sol and $alpha$-alumina seeds (d_{50}=0.36mutextrm{m}$) Disperal 20/1 and 10/1 containing $Cl^-$ produced spherical powder Disperal 20/2 with ${NO_3}^-$ produced equiaxed powder and Disperal 10/3 with $CH_3$ $COO^-$ irregular shaped and sized powder. All of these $alpha$-alumina powders were submicron. Although the green density of the alumina powder derived from Disperal 10/1 by calcination at $1200^{circ}C$/1h. was 53% it did not sinter even at $1550^{circ}C$ for 2h. which implies that its d50 is greater than $3mutextrm{m}$. The others gave green densities in the range of 44~47% but they sintered as well as the AKP-30 at $1500^{circ}C$/2 h or $1550^{circ}C$/2 h. |
Key words:
Submicron alumina powder, $\gamma$-alumina, Influence of anions, SIntered density |