알루미나 슬러리 조성에 따른 그린 테이프의 기계적 특성 |
이명현, 박일석1, 김대준1, 이득용2 |
요업(세라믹)기술원 신소재분석평가팀 1한국과학기술연구원 재료연구부 2대림대학 재료정보공학과 |
Influence of Alumina Slurry Composition on Mechanical Properties of Green Tapes |
Myung-Hyun Lee, Il-Seok Park1, Dae-Joon Kim1, Deuk-Yong Lee2 |
Advanced Material Analysis and Evaluation Team, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology 1Material Research Division, Korea Institute of Science and Technology 2Department of Materials Engineering, Daelim College of Technology |
Alumina slurriers, having various amount of alumina and ratio of organic additives, were prepared for tape casting. The relative viscosities were compared to investigate influence of composition on stability of the slurry and plotted as a function of powder fraction. They raised with increasing powder fraction of slurries, revealing a exponential function curve, which means that stability of slurry was not affected by amount and composition of organic additives. Cast green tapes were tested under tensile condition at room temperature. The increase in alumina ratio and binder ratio was found to decrease strain to failure of green tapes from 363% to 45% and from 68% to 25%, respectively. Tensile strength of green tapes increased abruptly with increasing alumina ratio, which showed its maximum at 1 MPa. On other hand, Tensile strength increased continuously from 0.5 MPa to 4 MPa with increasing binder ratio. Mechanical properties of them were affected seriously and lost their properties by elevating temperature from 20$^{circ}C$ to 80$^{circ}C$. |
Key words:
Alumina tape, Relative viscosity, Mechanical property |