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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 61(2); 2024 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2024;61(2): 298-306.
doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s43207-023-00362-w
An easy approach to adjust microstructure and physical properties in alumina
Hui‑jin Son1,2, Hye‑jeong Jang1,2, Young‑Kook Moon1, Jung‑hwan Kim1, Hyun‑Ae Cha1, Jong‑Jin Choi1, Byung‑Dong Hahn1, Jung‑Woo Lee2, Seog‑Young Yoon2, Kyung‑Hoon Cho3, Cheol‑Woo Ahn1
1Functional Ceramics Department, Powder and Ceramics Division, Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS), Changwon, Gyeongnam, 641-831, South Korea
2Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Pusan National University, Busan, 46241, South Korea
3School of Materials Science and Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology, 61 Daehak-ro, Gumi, Gyeongbuk, 39177, Republic of Korea
Correspondence  Byung‑Dong Hahn ,Email: cera72@kims.re.kr
Jung‑Woo Lee ,Email: jungwoolee@pusan.ac.kr
Seog‑Young Yoon ,Email: syy3@pusan.ac.kr
Cheol‑Woo Ahn ,Email: cheoruahn@kims.re.kr
Received: November 24, 2023; Revised: December 3, 2023   Accepted: December 14, 2023.  Published online: January 23, 2024.
*Hui‑jin Son and Hye‑jeong Jang contributed equally to this work.
In the ceramic industry, alumina is widely used as a ceramic filler for thermal interface materials (TIM) and a heat dissipation substrate for power semiconductor devices. In this study, using additives, the grain size was grown to obtain high thermal conductivity, and it was minimized to achieve the high flexural strength. For the ceramic filler of TIM, the grain size of alumina could be larger through liquid phase sintering to obtain the high thermal conductivity. On the contrary, for the ceramic substrate, the flexural strength could be improved by minimizing not only the grain sizes of alumina but also the difference in the grain sizes of an additive and alumina. Consequently, the high thermal conductivity of 36 W m-1K-1 was obtained in the alumina which has large grains. In addition, the high flexural strength of 745 MPa were obtained in the alumina for the ceramic substrate.
Key words: Alumina · Microstructure · Thermal conductivity · Flexural strength · Additive
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