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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 60(5); 2023 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2023;60(5): 845-855.
doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s43207-023-00312-6
SiC-based materials produced by explosive compaction of powders without sintering
Aleksandr Krokhalev, Valentin Kharlamov, Sergey Kuz’min, Vladimir Lysak
Volgograd State Technical University , Lenin av. 28 , Volgograd 400005 , Russia
Correspondence  Valentin Kharlamov ,Email: harlamov_vo@mail.ru
Received: November 3, 2022; Revised: April 8, 2023   Accepted: May 21, 2023.  Published online: June 2, 2023.
The explosive compaction technique achieves a considerably higher pressure compared to conventional powder metallurgy. This study demonstrates the fundamental possibility of obtaining SiC-based materials by explosive compaction without sintering. It has been determined that an increase in the compacting pressure from 12 to 16.5 GPa and a decrease in the titanium binder content from 50 to 20 vol.% are accompanied by a decrease in the compacted residual porosity of the material from 7 to 2%. In this case, the best compaction is achieved at a lower metal binder content. Microstructure analysis of the obtained materials showed that explosive compaction allows titanium particles to retain their size and form isolated inclusions in a continuous silicon carbide matrix. The initially splinter-shaped particles of the matrix transform, which ensures tight contact between them. To form strong boundaries between powder mix components at the explosive compaction stage, the loading modes should provide heating of the material during shock wave compression to above 780 °C. As a result, the hardness of the material containing 20 vol.% titanium reached 1300 HV. To retain the initial phase composition of silicon carbide and titanium powder mixtures during explosive compaction, the upper temperature limit should be 840 °C. The loading modes accompanied by heating to a higher temperature initiate a chemical interaction between the powder mix components.
Key words: Explosive compaction of powders · SiC–Ti composite
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