다양한 성형법으로 제조된 인공 골재의 특성 |
강승구 |
경기대학교 신소재공학과 |
Characterization of Artificial Aggregates Fabricated by Using Various Forming Methods |
Seung-Gu Kang |
Department of Materials Engineering, Kyonggi University |
The physical properties of artificial aggregates made from clay and inorganic wastes with poor plasticity depends largely on forming method. The artificial aggregates composing of coal fly ash, stone sludge and clay were fabricated using 4 different forming methods and those physical properties were comparatively analyzed. The surface of aggregates made through the extrusion forming process was dense and smooth but was rough for the aggregates obtained by crushing a tile-shaped green body. The aggregates made by pelletizing process had a weak green strength and bumpy surface. The shell generated at surface during a high temperature sintering process induced the most aggregates to be bloated due to a dense shell. But the aggregates made through pelletizing process with dense surface layer showed no significant change in bulk density with sintering temperatures. The water absorption of aggregates decreased with sintering temperature, and that of pelletized specimen was standing $1.8{sim}2.2$ times higher than that of made by other forming methods. It is concluded that the aggregates having various properties could be fabricated from one batch by using different forming methods. |
Key words:
Artificial aggregates, Forming methods, Sintering, Surface, Shell, Black core |