화학환원법을 이용한 Ag-Pd 합금 나노분말의 합성 |
서원식, 김윤도, 정일엽, 이호석, 송기창 |
건양대학교 화공생명학과 |
Synthesis of Ag-Pd Alloy Nanoparticles by Chemical Reduction Method |
Won-Sik Seo, Yun-Do Kim, Il-Yeop Choung, Ho-Seok Lee, Ki-Chang Song |
Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Konyang University |
Ag-Pd alloy nanoparticles were prepared by a chemical reduction method using hydrazine $(N_2H_4)$ as a reductant in $AgNO_3;and;Pd(NO_3)_2$ aqueous solutions. Characterization of these particles by X-ray powder diffraction revealed a bimetallic and crystalline silver-palladium alloy. The average size of the particles was influenced not by the reductant $(N_2H_4)$ concentration, but the concentration of the starting materials $(AgNO_3;and;Pd(NO_3)_2)$. |
Key words:
Ag-Pd, Hydrarine, Chemical reduction, Nanoparticle |