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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 33(12); 1996 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1996;33(12): 1421.
Ag-Cu-Ti Brazing 금속을 이용한 Inconel/$Si_3N_4$ 접합의 계면구조
정창주, 장복기, 문종하1, 강경인
전남대학교 무기재료공학과
1전남대학교 무기재료공학
Interfacial Structure of Inconel/$Si_3N_4$ Joint Using Ag-Cu-Ti Brazing Metal
Sintered Si3N4 and Inconel composed of Ni(58-63%) Cr(21-25%) Al(1-17%) Mn(<1%) fe(balance) were pressurelessly joined by using Ag-Cu-Ti brazing filler metal at 950℃ and 1200℃ under N2 gas atmosphere of 1atm and their interfacial structures were investigated. In case that the reaction temperature was low as 950℃ its interfacial structure was "Inconel metal/Ti-rich phase layer/brazing filler metal layer/Si3N4 " Ti used as reactive metal existed in between inconel steel and brazing metal and moved to the interface of between brazing filler metal nd Si3N4 according as reaction temperature increased up to 1200℃. The interfacial structure of inconel steel-Si3N4 reacted at 1200℃ was ' inconel metal/Ni-rich phase layer containing of Fe. Cr and Si/Cu-rich phase layer containing of Mn and Si/Si3N4 " Cr Mn, Ni and Fe diffused to the interface of between brazing filler metal and Si3N4 and reacted with Si3N4 The most reactive components of ingredients of inconel metal were Cr and Mn. On the other hand Ti added as reactive components to Ag-Cu eutectic segregated into Ni-rich phase layer,.
Key words: $Si_3N_4$, Ag-Cu brazing metal, Reaction metal, Inconel steel
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