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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 33(3); 1996 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 1996;33(3): 339.
알루미나 세라믹스의 기계적 특성 평가
임헌진, 조덕호, 김무경, 한상미, 이와사미키오1
1오사카공업기술연구소 재료물리부
The Evaluation of Mechanical Properties for Alumina Ceramics
Mechanical properties(flexural strength hardness fracture toughness) of alumina ceramics were evaluated. Alumina products of four companies were selected and three of those were made in Korea and one of those was made in Japan. The large differences according to manufacturing companies had resulted from flexural strength and weibull modulus which had a wide ranges of 300 to 400 MPa and 5 to 15 respectively. Critical indenstation load which could be neglected the effect of elastic recovery was about 9.8N and Vickers' hardness were about 15 GPa. Fracture toughnesses were evaluated by IF and ISB method. It was more preferable to the average at one indentation load that fracture toughness were obtained from the slope of the relationship between indentation load and crack length in IF method and between indentation load and fracture load in ISB method and fracture toughness was about 4 MPa
Key words: Alumina ceramics, Flexural strength, Vickers계 hardness, Frature toughness
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