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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 61(1); 2024 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2024;61(1): 115-125.
doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s43207-023-00330-4
Study on the synthesis and activity of Ag/LaFeO3/CNTs for photodegradation of harmful pollutants under visible light irradiation
Nada Alfryyan1, Amna Irshad2, Sehar Altaf2, Beriham Basha1, M. S. Al-Buriahi3, Z. A. Alrowaili4, Humera Sabeeh2, Muhammad Imran Din5
1Department of Physics, College of Science, Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, P.O. Box 84428, 11671, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
2Institute of Chemistry, Baghdad-Ul-Jadeed Campus, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur, 63100, Pakistan
3Department of Physics, Sakarya University, Sakarya, Turkey
4Department of Physics, College of Science, Jouf University, P.O.Box:2014, Sakaka, Saudi Arabia
5Centre for Physical Chemistry, School of Chemistry, University of the Punjab, Lahore, 54590, Pakistan
Correspondence  Humera Sabeeh ,Email: humera.sabeeh@iub.edu.pk
Muhammad Imran Din ,Email: imrandin2007@gmail.com
Received: May 9, 2023; Revised: August 26, 2023   Accepted: September 1, 2023.  Published online: October 4, 2023.
The current study is based on the synthesis of lanthanum ferrite (LF), silver-doped lanthanum ferrite (AgLF), and its composite with CNTs (AgLF@CNT) for degradation of organic effluents under visible light. The physiochemical characteristics of synthesized nanomaterials were examined by X-ray diffraction technique (XRD), Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and UV–Visible spectroscopy. XRD results revealed that the synthesized product has a crystalline structure. Tauc plot method was used to analyze the bandgap energy of the prepared nanocatalysts. Bare and doped lanthanum ferrite showed bandgap energy of 2.72 eV and 1.81 eV, respectively. The % degradation shown by LF, AgLF and AgLF@CNT for the degradation of methylene orange was 37.93%, 53.98%, and 78.26%, respectively. AgLF@CNT showed 74.42% degradation of crystal violet at the rate of 0.007 min-1. AgLF@CNT has an effective visible efficiency of photocatalysis for methylene orange and crystal violet degradation and gives better photodegradation efficiency due to a large number of active sites, greater surface area, good oxidizer and greater stability of carbon nanotubes.
Key words: Perovskite · Structural Analysis · Tauc Plot · CNTs · Photodegradation: methylene orange
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