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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 58(4); 2021 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2021;58(4): 437-444.
doi: https://doi.org/10.1007/s43207-021-00118-4
Effect of uniaxial stress on energy harvesting, storage and electrocaloric performance of BZT ceramics
Satyanarayan Patel1, Harekrishna Yadav1, Manish Kumar2
1Department of Mechanical Engineering , Indian Institute of Technology Indore , Madhya Pradesh , Indore 453552 , India
2Department of Mechanical Engineering , Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur , Jaipur , Rajasthan 302017 , India
Correspondence  Satyanarayan Patel ,Email: spatel@iiti.ac.in
Received: January 2, 2021; Revised: February 23, 2021   Accepted: March 2, 2021.  Published online: July 31, 2021.
In this work, a systematic approach of waste (thermal/mechanical) energy harvesting and storage potential is studied in Ba0.85Zr0.15TiO3 (BZT) ceramics. The eff ect of stress on energy storage density (harvesting/storage) and electrocaloric performance is also studied. For this purpose, polarization–electric fi eld hysteresis loops were recorded at various temperatures and uniaxial compressive stress. The Olsen cycle and electro-mechanical cycle are used for direct waste heat or mechanical energy to electrical energy conversion. A thermal energy-harvesting density of 42 kJ/m3 per cycle was obtained when the Olsen cycle was operated between 296–343 K and 0.25–1.5 MV/m. The electro-mechanical cycle-based energy harvesting is estimated as 78 kJ/m3 under the applied stress of 5–160 MPa and the electric fi eld of 0.25–1.5 MV/m. The energy storage density is found as 39 kJ/m3 at zero stress fi eld and 343 K, which increases to 53 kJ/m3 under the biased stress of 80 MPa in a wide operating temperature range of 296–328 K. It is observed that the high energy storage is a result of the reduction of the hysteresis loss. The electrocaloric temperature is found as 0.16 K and 0.18 K under the 0 and 80 MPa stress fi elds, respectively. Overall, the reported fi ndings will enrich our understanding of the stress eff ect on BZT materials, which off ers high performance for energy harvesting and storage-based applications. Moreover, this work can be also helpful in improving the energy storage density and electrocaloric eff ect via stress confi nement.
Key words: Energy harvesting · Ferroelectric · Olsen cycle · Electrocaloric · Energy storage
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