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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 52(5); 2015 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2015;52(5): 350.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2015.52.5.350
Catalytic Effects of Barium Carbonate on the Anodic Performance of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Sung-Eun Yoon, Jae-Yeong Ahn, Jong-Sung Park
Department of Material Science and Engineering, Myongji University
To develop ceramic composite anodes of solid oxide fuel cells without metal catalysts, a small amount of barium carbonate was added to an $(La_{0.8}Sr_{0.2})(Cr_{0.5}Mn_{0.5})O_3(LSCM)$ - YSZ ceramic composite anode and its catalytic effects on the electrode performance were investigated. A barium precursor solution with citric acid was used to synthesize the barium carbonate during ignition, while a barium precursor solution without citric acid was used to create hydrated barium hydroxide. The addition of barium carbonate to the ceramic composite anode caused stable fuel cell performance at 1073 K; this performance was higher than that of a fuel cell with $CeO_2$ catalyst; however, the addition of hydrated barium hydroxide to the ceramic composite anode caused poor stability of the fuel cell performance.
Key words: Ceramic catalysts, Ceramic composite anode, Barium carbonate, Solid oxide fuel cells
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