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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 52(3); 2015 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2015;52(3): 221.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2015.52.3.221
Photo-catalytic Properties of TiO2 Nanotube Arrays Sensitized with In2S3 under Visible-light Irradiation
Hyun Kim, Bee Lyong Yang
School of Advanced Materials and System Engineering, Kumoh National Institute of Technology
In this work, we report on the preparation of the anodically-grown $TiO_2$ nanotube arrays sensitized with $In_2S_3$ nanoparticles by using the SILAR (successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction) process. We evaluate the photo-catalytic properties of the prepared hetero-structures under visible-light illumination. The results reveal that the $TiO_2/In_2S_3$ system has enhanced photo-catalytic characteristics including higher chopping height. Improved performance of the heterojunction is attributed to the narrower band gap of $In_2S_3$ and its favorable position within the conduction band relative to that of $TiO_2$.
Key words: Titanium dioxide ($TiO_2$) nanotube, Indium sulfide (In2S3), Visible light, Photo-catalyst
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