습식분쇄공정에서 액상매체가 실리콘 분쇄 및 산화특성에 미치는 영향 |
권우택, 김수룡, 김영희, 이윤주, 신동근, 원지연, 오세천1 |
한국세라믹기술원 에너지환경소재본부 1공주대학교 환경공학과 |
The Effect of Liquid Medium on Silicon Grinding and Oxidation during Wet Grinding Process |
Woo Teck Kwon, Soo Ryong Kim, Young Hee Kim, Yoon Joo Lee, Dong Geun Shin, Ji Yeon Won, Sea Cheon Oh1 |
Energy & Environmental Division, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering & Technology 1Department of Environmental Engineering, Kongju National University |
The influence of a liquid medium duringa wet-milling process in the grinding and oxidation of silicon powder was investigated. Distilled water, dehydrated ethanol and diethylene glycol were used as the liquid media. The applied grinding times were 0.5, 3, and 12 h. Ground silicon powder samples were characterized by means of aparticle size analysis, scanning electron microscopy(SEM), x-ray powder diffraction (XRD), FT-IR spectroscopy and by a chemical composition analysis. From the results of the characterization process, we found that diethylene glycol is the most efficient liquid medium when silicon powder is ground using a wet-milling process. The FT-IR results show that the Si-O band intensity in an unground silicon powder is quite strongbecause oxygen becomes incorporated with silicon to form $SiO_2$ in air. By applying deionized water as a liquid medium for the grinding of silicon, the $SiO_2$ content increased from 4.12% to 31.7%. However, in the cases of dehydrated ethanol and diethylene glycol, it was found that the $SiO_2$ contents after grinding only changed insignificantly, from 4.12% to 5.91% and 5.28%, respectively. |
Key words:
Grinding, Liquid medium, Silicon, Oxidation, Silicon oxide |