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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 51(1); 2014 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2014;51(1): 37-42.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2014.51.1.037
Mn4+ 이온이 도핑된 알루미네이트계 형광체 합성과 발광특성
박정규, 김영진
경기대학교 신소재공학과
Synthesis and Luminescent Properties of Aluminate-based Phosphors Doped with Mn4+ Ions
Jungkyu Park, Young Jin Kim
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Kyonggi University
$Mn^{4+}$-doped $CaAl_4O_7$ ($CA_2$) and $CaAl_{12}O_{19}$ ($CA_6$) powders were prepared under different conditions, with changes in the amounts of flux, Mn concentration, and mole ratio of $Al_2O_3$ to $CaCO_3$ in the starting mixtures, which affected the structure and the luminescence. $CA_2:Mn^{4+}$ and $CA_6:Mn^{4+}$ had the same excitation and emission spectra but with different intensities. The excitation spectra exhibited broad bands (320 - 470 nm) centered at 395 nm, while red emission bands were observed at 656 nm. The emission intensity of $CA_6:Mn^{4+}$ was nearly twice as high as that of $CA_2:Mn^{4+}$, as the $Mn^{4+}$ ions were located in an octahedral crystal field in the $CA_6$, but not in the $CA_2$.
Key words: Calcium aluminate, Luminescence, Optical materials/properties, Manganese
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