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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 51(1); 2014 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2014;51(1): 11-18.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2014.51.1.011
도자기와의 물성 비교를 통한 옹기의 기공 형성 원인 분석
김수민, 노형구, 김응수, 조우석
한국세라믹기술원 이천분원 도자세라믹센터
A Study on Sources of Pore Formationin Onggi via the Comparison with Porcelains
Soomin Kim, Hyunggoo No, Ungsoo Kim, Woo Seok Cho
Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology
Onggi, which is described as a breathing pottery, has strongly influenced the traditional food culture in Korea. In this study Onggi is compared to porcelains including celadon and white porcelain to analyze the sources of pore formation. The differences in starting materials are examined for chemical and mineralogical compositions, particle size and distribution. The gas permeability of the fired samples is correlated to the matrix microstructure. The broad particle size distribution and high iron oxide content of Onggi are revealed as the major cause for the pore formation. Open pores are formed with large particles in the Onggi body while closed pores have a high iron oxide concentration. The Onggi body with increased open pores leads to the high gas permeability.
Key words: Onggi, Pore, Gas permeation, Particle size, Iron oxide
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