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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 50(1); 2013 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2013;50(1): 43.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2013.50.1.43
저압 화학기상증착법을 이용한 β-SiC의 증착 및 결정 성장 방위에 따른 기계적 특성 변화
김대종, 이종민, 김원주, 윤순길1, 박지연
한국원자력연구원 원자력재료개발부
1충남대학교 재료공학과
Deposition of β-SiC by a LPCVD Method and the Effect of the Crystallographic Orientation on Mechanical Properties
Daejong Kim, Jongmin Lee, Weon-Ju Kim, Soon Gil Yoon1, Ji Yeon Park
Nuclear Materials Division, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
1Department of Materials Engineering, College of Engineering, Chungnam National University
${beta}$-SiC was deposited onto a graphite substrate by a LPCVD method and the effect of the crystallographic orientation on mechanical properties of the deposited SiC was investigated. The deposition was performed at $1300^{circ}C$ in a cylindrical hot-wall LPCVD system by varying the deposition pressure and total flow rate. The texture and crystallographic orientation of the SiC were evaluated by XRD. The deposition rate increased linearly with the gas flow rate from 800 sccm to 1600 sccm. It also increased with the pressure but became saturated above a total pressure of 3.3 kPa. In the range of 3.3 - 10 kPa, the preferred orientation changed from the (220) and (311) planes to the (111) plane. The hardness and elastic modulus showed maximum values when the SiC had the (111) preferred orientation, though it gradually decreased upon a change to the (220) and (311) preferred orientations.
Key words: Silicon carbide, CVD, Crystallographic orientation, Nanoindentation, Hardness
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