스퍼터링에 의해 제조된 SnO 박막의 RF 파워에 따른 특성 연구 |
엄요셉, 노병민1, 김성동2, 김사라은경 |
서울과학기술대학교 NID융합기술대학원 1서울과학기술대학교 글로벌융합산업공학과 2서울과학기술대학교 기계시스템디자인공학과 |
Effect of RF Power on SnO Thin Films Obtained by Sputtering |
Joseph Um, Byeong-Min Roh1, Sungdong Kim2, Sarah Eunkyung Kim |
Graduate School of NID Fusion Technology, Seoul National University of Science and Technology 1Department of Industrial and Information Systems Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology 2Department of Mechanical System and Design Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology |
SnO thin films were fabricated by rf reactive sputtering on borosilicate substrates with an Sn target and Ar/$O_2$ gas mixture. The effect of rf power on the structural, electrical, and optical properties of SnO thin films was investigated with XRD, AFM, SEM, Hall effect measurements, and UV-Vis spectrometer. As a plasma power increased the crystallinity with a preferred orientation of SnO thin films was improved and the grain size slightly increased. However the grains were coalesced and excessively irregular in shape. The electrical conductivity of SnO thin films demonstrated a relatively low p-type conductivity of 0.024 $(Wcm)^{-1}$ at a higher power condition. Lastly, SnO thin films had poor optical transmittance in the visible range as a plasma power increased. |
Key words:
Thin films, Density, Conductivity, Tin compounds |