XRD와 XAS에 의한 TiO2 분말의 상분율 결정 |
나사균, 이연승1 |
한밭대학교 재료공학과 1한밭대학교 정보통신공학전공 |
Estimation of Phase Ratio for TiO2 Powders by XRD and XAS |
Sa-Kyun Rha, Youn Seoung Lee1 |
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Hanbat National University 1Department of Information Communication Engineering, Hanbat National University |
The crystallinity and phase ratio of anatase to rutile in $TiO_2$ were estimated by x-ray diffraction (XRD) and x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). Traditionally, the structural characterization of $TiO_2$ powders has been carried out by XRD techniques, which are comparatively easy in use and analysis. However, materials with amorphous phase, nano-sized or nano-structured crystallinities cannot be fully characterized by XRD because XRD analysis has a limit for abnormal contributions of the nano-crystal such as the surface contribution. From the comparison with the experimental and calculated Ti K-edge XAS spectra, we found the possibility of efficient estimation in the crystalinites and the phase ratio of anatase to rutile for nano-sized $TiO_2$ mixture. |
Key words:
$TiO_2$, Anatase, Rutile, Phase ratio, XRD, XAS |