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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 49(5); 2012 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2012;49(5): 442.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2012.49.5.442
pH 변화에 따른 고로수쇄 BFS의 초기 수화 특성
강현주, 이웅걸, 송명신, 강승민1, 김경남1
강원대학교 삼척캠퍼스 화학공학연구소
1강원대학교 삼척캠퍼스 신소재공학과
Early Hydration Properties of BFS by a Change of pH
Hyun Ju Kang, Woong Geol Lee, Myong Shin Song, Seung Min Kang1, Kyeng Nam Kim1
Reasearch Institute of Chemical Engineering, Kangwon National University
1Department of Advenced Materials Engineering, Kangwon National University
This study investigated on the early hydration and physical characteristics of BFS by pH variation. NaOH solution was used as a pH activator. In the range from pH 12 to pH 14, Experiment was compared the hydration propertied of OPC(Ordinary Portland Cement) and BFS(Blast Furnace BFS) and BFS containing 2 wt% of gypsum. It was found that CAH(Calcium Aluminate Hydrates) phases and CSH(Calcium Silicate Hydrates) phases were formed during the early hydration of BFS, and that CAH phases, CSH phases and ettringites were formed during the early hydration of BFS containing 2 wt% of gypsum. Furthermore, early hydration of BFS and BFS containing 2 wt% of gypsum were faster then OPC at pH 14, and the 1 day compressive strength of BFS increased by approximately 30% compared to OPC, and BFS containing 2 wt% of gypsum also increased by approximately 40% compared to OPC.
Key words: BFS, Gypsum, pH, Hydration, Quick-setting
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