Y2O3-카본 복합체의 전기전도성에 미치는 소결온도의 영향 |
최관영, 오윤석1, 김성원1, 김형순, 박종훈2, 이성민1 |
인하대학교 신소재공학부 1한국세라믹기술원 이천분원 엔지니어링세라믹센터 2(주)코미코 |
Effects of Sintering Temperature on the Electrical Conductivities of the Y2O3-Carbon Composites |
Kwan-Young Choi, Yoon-Suk Oh1, Sung-Won Kim1, Hyung-Sun Kim, Chong-Hun Park2, Sung-Min Lee1 |
School of Materials Science & Engineering, Inha University 1Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology 2Komico |
The $Y_2O_3$ ceramics have been widely used as plasma resistant materials in the semiconductor industry. In this study, composites made of plasma resistant $Y_2O_3$ and electrically conductive carbon have been produced. The electrical properties of this composite were measured with respect to the size, volume fraction of the conductive carbon phase, and sintering temperature. When micro-sized carbon was used, the composites were insulating up to 5 wt% addition of the carbon. However, when nano-sized carbon of around 60 ~100 nm was used, the composites became conductive over threshold volume fraction of carbon, which increased with increasing sintering temperature. This behavior of electrical conductivity of the composites was discussed in terms of the percolation theory. The percolation threshold of the conductivity seemed to be affected by the grain growth and coalescences of dispersed conductive carbon phases with grain growth of matrix $Y_2O_3$. |
Key words:
$Y_2O_3$, Sintering temperature, Electrical conductivity, Composite |