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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 48(6); 2011 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2011;48(6): 565.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2011.48.6.565
함침법에 의한 Y(P,V)O4:Eu3+ 형광체의 합성 및 발광특성
한정화, 김수종
한라대학교 신소재화학공학과
Preparation and Luminescence Properties of Y(P,V)O4:Eu3+ Phosphor using Impregnation Method
Cheong-Hwa Han, Soo-Jong Kim
Department of Advanced Materials & Chemical Engineering, Halla University
The $Eu^{3+}$ doped $Y(P_x,V_{1-x})O_4$ (0 ${leq}$ x ${leq}$ 1) phosphors were synthesized by solid-state and impregnation method and investigated as potential red-emitting phosphors for a plasma display panel(PDP). The optimal substitution proportion of P for V was determined to be 60 mol%, for $Y(P_x,V_{1-x})O_4$ doped with 8 mol% $Eu^{3+}$. The VUV PL spectra and SEM for the synthesized phosphors were measured and compared against those of a commercial red-emission phosphor. The $Y(P_x,V_{1-x})O_4$:$Eu^{3+}$ phosphors exhibited strong red at around 592, 618 and 698 nm. The emission intensity and particle size of the phosphors were controlled by preparation conditions.
Key words: Phosphor, $Y(P,V)O_4:Eu^{3+}$, Impregnation method
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