V2O5가 고용된 Karrooite계의 Brown색 안료합성과 특성 |
김금선, 이병하 |
명지대학교 신소재공학과 |
Synthesis and Characterization of V2O - Doped Karrooite Brown Pigments |
Gum-Sun Kim, Byung-Ha Lee |
Department of Material Science & Engineering, Myongji University |
[ $V_2O_5$ ]doped Karrooite pigments were synthesized by the solid state method to get stabilized brown pigment in oxidation and reduction atmosphere. Optimum substitution condition and limited dopant with $V_2O_5$ for Karrooite pigment was investigated. With calcination at $1250^{circ}C{sim}1400^{circ}C$, compositions were designed varying $V_2O_5$ molar ratio by increasing 0.02mole to the formula $Mg_1-xTi_2-xM_{2x}O_5$(x = 0.01~0.09 mole). Synthesized pigments were analyzed by XRD, Raman spectroscopy and UV-vis. When $V_2O_5$ was doped from 0.01 to 0.05 mole, single phase of Karrooite was observed at temperature $1300^{circ}C$ and soaking time 4h by Raman spectroscopy. However, it was found that excess $VO_2$ peak appeared with 0.07 and 0.09 mole of $V_2O_5$ doped to $MgTi_2O_5$. This result indicated that the maximum limit of solid solution is 0.05 mole $V_2O_5$. Karrooite pigments were applied as a ceramic pigment to achieve brown colors in lime magnesia glaze and lime barium graze at both of oxidation and reduction atmosphere. CIE color coordinates are $L^*$ = 40.34, $a^*$ = 9.94, $b^*$ = 21.40 in lime magnesia glaze. |
Key words:
Karrooite, $MgTi_2O_5$, Brown ceramic pigment |