다양한 산화물들이 리튬규산염 유리의 결정화에 미치는 영향 |
김철민, 임형봉, 김용수1, 김세훈1, 오경식1, 김철영 |
인하대학교 신소재공학부 1(주) 하스 |
Effect of Various Oxides on Crystallization of Lithium Silicate Glasses |
Chul-Min Kim, Hyung-Bong Lim, Youg-Su Kim1, Se-Hoon Kim1, Kyung-Sik Oh1, Cheol-Young Kim |
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Inha University 1Hass, Corp. |
Glass-ceramics based on lithium disilicate($Li_2Si_2O_5$) are prepared by heat-treatment of glasses in a system of $SiO_2-Li_2O-K_2O-Al_2O_3$ with different compositions. The crystallization heat-treatment was conducted at the temperature range of $700{sim}900^{circ}C$ and samples were analyzed by XRD and SEM. Mechanical properties were determined by a Vicker's hardness and 4 point bending strength. When $SiO_2/Li_2O$ ratio increased, cristobalite and tridymite crystals showed more predominate than lithium disilicate crystals. Increase in $Al_2O_3$ contents in the glass suppressed crystallzation of lithium disilicate crystals. Increase in ZnO, $B_2O_3$ contents in the glass decreased crystallization temperature of lithium disilicate crystals, and increased mechanical properties because of the reduction of the lithium disilicate crystal size. |
Key words:
Glass-ceramics, Crystallization, Artificial tooth, Lithium disilicate, Lithium metasilicate |