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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 48(1); 2011 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2011;48(1): 26.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2011.48.1.026
유리 및 결정화 유리 골 시멘트에서 DCPD의 형성 및 수산화 아파타이트로의 전환
임형봉, 김철영
인하대학교 신소재공학부
DCPD Formation and Conversion to HAp in Glass and Glass-ceramic Bone Cement
Hyung-Bong Lim, Cheol-Young Kim
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Inha University
The glass in the system of CaO-$SiO_2-P_2O_5$ and the corresponding glass-ceramics are prepared for bone cements and the behaviors of the hardening and hydroxyapatite formation were studied for the glass and glass-ceramic powders. The glass crystallized into apatite, $alpha$-wollastonite and $beta$-wollastonite depending on the glass composition when they were heat-treated at $950^{circ}C$ for 4 h. A DCPD (dicalcium phosphate dihydrate : $CaHPO_4{cdot}2H_2O$) was developed when the prepared glass and glass-ceramic powders were mixed with 3M-$H_3PO_4$ solution. The DCPD (Ca/P=1.0) transformed to HAp (Ca/P=1.67) when the bone cement was soaked in simulated body fluid (SBF), and this HAp formation strongly depended on the releasing capacity of $Ca^{2+}$ ions from the glass and glass-ceramic cements. The glass-ceramic bone cement containing $alpha$-wollastonite crystals showed faster transformation of DCPD to HAp than other glass-ceramics containing $alpha$- and $beta$-wollastonite crystals. No hydroxyapatite was observed when the glass-ceramic bone cement containing apatite crystals (36P6C) was soaked in SBF even for 1 month, because no $Ca^{2+}$ ion can be released from the stable apatite crystals.
Key words: Bone cement, Glass, Glass-ceramics, Hydroxyapatite, Dicalcium phosphate dihydrate
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