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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 47(6); 2010 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2010;47(6): 627.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2010.47.6.627
수열법에 의한 Li4Ti5O12 Nanofibers 합성 및 전기화학적 특성에 관한 연구
김은경, 최병현, 지미정, 권용진, 서한, 김영준1, 김광범2
한국세라믹기술원 광전자세라믹본부
1전자부품연구원 차세대전지연구센터
2연세대학교 신소재공학과
Synthesis and Electrochemical Characteristics of Li4Ti5O12 Nanofibers by Hydrothermal Method
Eun-Kyung Kim, Byung-Hyun Choi, Mi-Jung Jee, Yong-Jin Kwon, Han Seo, Young-Jun Kim1, Kwang-Bum Kim2
Electronic Materials Laboratory, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology
1Advanced Batteries Research Center, Korea Electronics Technology Institute
2Materials Science & Engineering, Yonsei University
In this paper the effect of the structure, particle size, morphology of nanofibers and nanoparticles for the electrochemical characteristics of $Li_4Ti_5O_{12}$ was investigated. The $H_2Ti_2O_5{cdot}H_2O$ synthesized in hydrothermal treatment from a NaOH treatment on $TiO_2$ by ion exchange processing with HCl solutions. After the $Li_4Ti_5O_{12}$ nanofibers synthesized in hydrothermal treatment of $H_2Ti_2O_5{cdot}H_2O$ and $LiOH{cdot}H_2O$. The hydrogen titanate precursor prepared by ion exchange processing with 0.1~0.3M HCl solutions and the final products calcined at $350^{circ}C{sim}400^{circ}C$. The $Li_4Ti_5O_{12}$ nanofibers showed well reversibility during the insertion and extraction of Li, good cycle performance, high capacity and low electrochemical reaction resistance than nanoparticles. also c-rate exhibited a discharge capacity of 172 mAh/g at 0.2C and 115mAh/g at 5C, which is the 77%, 67% of that obtained in the process charged, discharged at 0.2C.
Key words: $Li_4Ti_5O_{12}$, Nanofibers, Hydrothermal
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