폐 TFT-LCD 유리분말을 혼입한 고강도 콘크리트 파일의 특성 |
전성환, 민경산, 소양섭1 |
(주)대원바텍 기술연구소 1전북대학교 건축공학과 |
The Characteristics of P.H.C Pile using Admixture by Waste TFT-LCD Glass Powder |
Seong-Hwan Jeon, Kyung-San Min, Yang-Seob Soh1 |
Daewon Technology 1Architectural Engineering, Chonbuk National University |
In order to examine the P.H.C pile raw material using glass forming ceramic. The used materials is ordinary portland cement, waste TFT-LCD glass powder and reactive agent(Ca$(OH)_2$). The first experiment is characteristics analysis of the waste TFT-LCD glass powder, For the second experiment is mortar and concrete compressive strength for using of the concrete file raw material for waste TFT-LCD glass powder. The results of experiment showed that the substitution ratio of 10% waste TFT-LCD glass powder and 1% reactive agent(Ca$(OH)_2$) was excellent at a point of view for the physical characteristic. The study's most important finding is that the recycling of waste TFT-LCD glass powder. |
Key words:
P.H.C pile raw material, Waste TFT-LCD glass, Recycling, Reactive agent |