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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 47(2); 2010 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2010;47(2): 122.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2010.47.2.122
Al2O3:xCr2O3 고용상의 발광특성과 적색형광체의 연색성 향상을 위한 첨가제로의 응용
채기웅, 천채일, 김정석1
호서대학교 신소재공학과
1호서대학교 BK21 대학원 반도체디스플레이공학과
Photoluminescence of Al2O3:xCr2O3 Solid Solution and Application as the Additive for Improving CRI of Red Phosphor
Ki-Woong Chae, Chae-Il Cheon, Jeong-Seog Kim1
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Hoseo University
1Department of BK21 Semiconductor & Display Engineering, Hoseo University
In this article photoluminescence of the $Al_2O_3:xCr_2O_3$ solid solutions prepared by solid state reaction method are represented. The effect of $Cr_2O_3$-activator concentration and heat treatment time on the PL characteristics have been discussed in conjunction with microstructure of phosphor samples. The $Al_2O_3:xCr_2O_3$ phosphors show the highest PL intensity at x=0.003 mole when the samples are reacted at $1600^{circ}C$ for 5 h. The PL emission and absorption spectra show the maximum peaks at 698 nm and at 398 nm respectively. The CIE color coordinate is (x=0.646, y=0.316) at 0.003 mole $Cr_2O_3$, which value is very close to the NTSC coordinate of red color. This characteristic feature of $Al_2O_3:xCr_2O_3$ has been applied for an additive to improve the color characteristic of other red phosphor $LiEuW_2O_8$ which has a relatively poor color purity with an emission peak centered at 615 nm and with a CIE coordinate (x=0.530, y=0.280). The $Al_2O_3:0.003Cr_2O_3$ phosphor has been mixed with the $LiEuW_2O_8$ phosphor powder and the PL characteristics and CIE color coordinates are characterized. The $Al_2O_3:xCr_2O_3$ phosphor was found effective for improving the CRI (color rendering index) of $LiEuW_2O_8$ phosphor.
Key words: Phosphor, Alumina, Cr-activator, Color coordinate, $LiEuW_2O_8$
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