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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 46(6); 2009 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2009;46(6): 662.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2009.46.6.662
진공 압출성형 및 래밍성형 공정에 의한 탄화규소 캔들 필터 제조 및 특성
신명관, 한인섭, 서두원, 김세영, 우상국, 이승원1, 김영욱2
한국에너지기술연구원 반응분리소재연구센터
1충남대학교 나노소재공학과
2서울시립대학교 신소재공학과
Fabrication and Properties of the SiC Candle Filter by Vacuum Extrusion and Ramming Process
Myung-Kwan Shin, In-Sub Han, Doo-Won Seo, Se-Young Kim, Sang-Kuk Woo, Seoung-Won Lee1, Young-Wook Kim2
Reaction and Separation Materials Research Center, Korea Institute of Energy Research (KIER)
1Department of Nano Materials Engineering, Chungnam University
2Department of Materials Science Engineering, the University of Seoul
Porous SiC candle filter preforms were fabricated by extrusion and ramming process. To fabricate SiC candle filter preform, commercially available 85 ${mu}m;{alpha}-$-SiC powder and 44 ${mu}m$ mullite, CaC$O_3$ powder were used as the starting materials. The candle type preforms were fabricated by vacuum extrusion and ramming process, and sintered at $1400{^{circ}C}$ 2 h in air atmosphere. The effect of forming method on porosity, density, strength (flexural and compressive strength) and microstructure was investigated. Also, corrosion test of the sintered candle filter specimens as forming method was performed at $600{^{circ}C}$ in IGCC syngas atmosphere. The sintered SiC filter which was formed by ramming process has more higher density and exhibit higher strength than extruded filter. Its maximum density and 3-point bending strength were 2.00 g/$cm^3$ and 45 MPa, respectively.
Key words: SiC candle filter, IGCC, Porous SiC, Vacuum extrusion, Ramming
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