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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 46(6); 2009 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2009;46(6): 668.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2009.46.6.668
에트린자이트 미세다공체의 중금속 이온 고정화 특성
나현엽, 송태웅
경남대학교 신소재공학과
Heavy Metal Ion Immobilization Properties of Microporous Ettringite Body
Hyeon-Yeop Na, Tae-Woong Song
Department of Advanced Materials Engineering, Kyungnam University
Heavy metal ion immobilization properties of microporous ettringite (3Ca$O{cdot}Al_2O_3{cdot}3CaSO_4{cdot}32H_2$) body were examined using standard solutions of typical heavy metals. Microporous Ettringite body with desirable shape for an ionic adsorbent was obtained by the self hardening of the paste prepared from the mixture of tricalcium aluminate($C_3$A) and gypsum(CaS$O_4{cdot}2H_2$O). Crushed grains of ettringite were soaked in each standard solutions of Pb, Co, Cd, Mn and Cr concentrated at 200 ppm. In order to evaluate the ionexchange and immobilization ability, the ionic concentration of the filtrate solution as well as the solution obtained after leaching test was measured. As a result, for the heavy metal ions excepting Cr, porous ettringite body was revealed to be excellent in ionic exchange and immobilization properties though some ions eluted at the severe condition of pH 2. The adsorption and keeping capacity for four heavy metals showed the order of $Pb{>}Co{>}Cd{>}$Mn.
Key words: Tricalciumaluminate, Ettringite, Heavy metal ion, Immobliization, Dissolution
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