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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 46(1); 2009 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2009;46(1): 116.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2009.46.1.116
나노인덴테이션으로 측정한 Ti(C0.7N0.3)-WC-Ni 써멧 구성상의 경도
김성원, 김대민, 강신후1, 김형준, 김형태
요업기술원 엔지니어링세라믹센터
1서울대학교 재료공학부
Hardness of Constituent Phases in Ti(C0.7N0.3)-WC-Ni Cermets Measured by Nanoindentation
Seong-Won Kim, Dae-Min Kim, Shin-Hoo Kang1, Hyeong-Jun Kim, Hyung-Tae Kim
Engineering Ceramic Center, Korea Institute of Ceramic Engineering and Technology
1Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University
The constituent phases in Ti($C_{0.7}N_{0.3}$)-xWC-20Ni (wt%, x=5, 15, 25) cermets were characterized using nanoindentation in conjunction with observation of microstructure. The microstructure of cermet is composed of hard phase and binder phase, which gave rise to a wide range of hardness distribution when nanoindentation was carried out on the polished surface of cermets. Because of the inhomogeneous nature of cermet microstructure, observation of indented surface was indispensable in order to separate the hardness of each constituent phase. The measured values of hardness using nanoindentation were ${sim}14;GPa$ for the binder phase and ${sim}24$ to 28 GPa for the hard phase, of which nanoindentation hardness was decreased with the addition of WC into Ti($C_{0.7}N_{0.3}$)-Ni system. In addition, the nanoindentation hardness of Ni binder phase was much higher than reported Vickers hardness, which could result from confined deformation of binder phase due to the surrounding hard phase particles.
Key words: Ti(C,N), Cermet, Hardness, Nanoindentation
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