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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 45(11); 2008 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2008;45(11): 667.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2008.45.1.667
Preparation of Fe-ACF/TiO2 Composites and their Photocatalytic Degradation of Waste Water
Won-Chun Oh, Jang-Soon Bae1
Department of Advanced Materials & Science Engineering, Hanseo University
1Department of Industrial Chemistry, Dankook University
In this study, we prepared Fe-activated carbon fiber(ACF)/$TiO_2$ composites with titanium (VI) n-butoxide (TNB) as the titanium source for ACF pre-treated with iron compounds through the impregnation method. In terms of textural surface properties, the composites demonstrate a slight decrease in the BET surface area of the samples and an increase in the amount of iron compounds treated. The surface morphology of the Fe-ACF/$TiO_2$ composites was characterized by means of SEM. The composites have a porous texture with homogenous compositions of Fe and titanium dioxide distributed on the sample surfaces. The phase formation and structural transition of the iron compounds and titanium dioxide were observed in X-ray diffraction patterns of the Fe-ACF/$TiO_2$ composites. The chemical composition of the Fe-ACF/$TiO_2$ composites, which was investigated with EDX shows strong peaks for the C, O, Fe and Ti elements. The photo degradation results confirm that the Fe-ACF/$TiO_2$ composites show excellent removal activity for the COD in piggery waste due to photocatalysis of the supported $TiO_2$, radical reaction by Fe species, and the adsorptivity and absorptivity of ACF.
Key words: Activated carbon fiber, $TiO_2$, Composite, BET, XRD, SEM, Piggery waste
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