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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 45(5); 2008 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2008;45(5): 268.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2008.45.5.268
Sphene-Pink 안료에 미치는 CrCl3의 영향
이현수, 이병하
명지대학교 신소재공학과
Influence of CrCl3 in Sphene-Pink Pigments
Hyun-Soo Lee, Byung-Ha Lee
Department of Materials Science & Engineering, Myongji University
In high temperature ceramic glazes, a stable range of pink-red colors producing $Cr_2O_3-SnO_2-CaO-SiO_2$ pigments are factored by Cassiterite and Malayaite relationship with $Cr_2O_3$. The experiment described the effect of $CrCl_3$ by adding $H_3BO_3$ as a mineralizer to increase the formation of Malayaite crystal, substituting $CrCl_3$ instead of $Cr_2O_3$ in pigment as a chromophore. Synthesized pigments were analyzed by XRD, FT-IR, Raman Spectroscop, UV and UV-vis. The result shows the differences in amount of crystal phases and oxidation state of Cr ion, which causes the color change. The melting point of $CrCl_3$ is lower than $Cr_2O_3$ which act as a mineralizer and makes the pigment synthesized in lower temperature at $1200^{circ}C$. Holding 3 h firing at $900^{circ}C$ where the synthesize forms shows better effect of Malayaite crystal phases and increasing engaged effect of $CrCl_3$ where the color pigmentation is more defined then in $Cr_2O_3$.
Key words: Malayaite, Sphene$CrCl_3$, Pigment
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