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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 45(4); 2008 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2008;45(4): 226.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2008.45.4.226
BaCeO3가 첨가된 BaZrO3의 미세구조 및 수소이온 전도도
박종성, 이성명, 김동완1, 이종호, 이해원, 최헌진2, 김병국
한국과학기술연구원 에너지재료연구단
1한국과학기술연구원 나노재료과학본부 나노재료연구센터
2연세대학교 세라믹공학과
Microstructures and Proton Conductivities of BaZrO3 Modified by BaCeO3
Jong-Sung Park, Sung-Myung Lee, Dong-Wan Kim1, Jong-Ho Lee, Hae-Won Lee, Heon-Jin Choi2, Byung-Kook Kim
Center for Energy Materials Research, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
1Nano-material Research Center, Nano Science Research Division, Korea Institute of Science and Technology
2Department of Ceramic Engineering, Yonsei University
The dense sintered bodies with >95% theoretical densities were successfully obtained from the $BaZrO_3,;BaCeO_3,;Ba(Zr_{0.7}Ce_{0.3})O_3$ solid solution, and core-shell structured $0.7BaZrO_3-0.3BaCeO_3$ composite powders prepared by sol-gel methods. The activation energy of $Ba(Zr_{0.7}Ce_{0.3})O_3$ solid solution calculated from the Arrhenius plot of the proton conductivities was similar to that of $BaZrO_3$. The activation energy of core-shell structured $0.7BaZrO_3-0.3BaCeO_3$ composite, however, was much lower than that of $BaZrO_3$ or $Ba(Zr_{0.7}Ce_{0.3})O_3$ solid solution, and was very similar to that $BaCeO_3$. These results could be assigned to the Ce-rich grain boundary which was clearly observed by EDX in core-shell structured $0.7BaZrO_3-0.3BaCeO_3$ composite.
Key words: Proton conducting oxide, Core-Shell$BaZrO_3$$BaCeO_3$
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