메탄-산소 혼합가스 조건에서의 페롭스카이트계 산화물의 촉매특성 평가 |
안기용, 김형철1, 정용재, 손지원1, 이해원1, 이종호1 |
한양대학교 신소재공학과 1한국과학기술연구원 에너지재료연구단 |
Catalytic Characteristics of Perovskite-type Oxides under Mixed Methane and Oxygen Gases |
Ki-Yong Ahn, Hyoung-Chul Kim1, Yong-Chae Chung, Ji-Won Son1, Hae-Won Lee1, Jong-Ho Lee1 |
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Hanyang University 1Center for Energy Materials Research, Korea Institute of Science and Technology |
As the single chamber SOFC(SC-SOFC) showed higher prospect on reducing the operation temperature as well as offering higher design flexibility of SOFCs, lots of concerns have been given to investigate the catalytic activity of perovskite-type oxide in mixed fuel and oxidant conditions. Hence we thoroughly investigated the catalytic property of various perovskite-type oxides such as $La_{0.8}Sr_{0.2}MnO_3(LSM),;La_{0.6}Sr_{0.4}CoO_3(LSC),;La_{0.6}Sr_{0.4}Co_{0.2}Fe_{0.8}O_3(LSCF),;Sm_{0.5}Sr_{0.5}CoO_3(SSC),;and;Ba_{0.5}Sr_{0.5}Co_{0.8}Fe_{0.2}(BSCF)$ under the partial oxidation condition of methane which used to be given for SC-SOFC operation. In this study, powder form of each perovskite oxides whose surface areas were controlled to be equal, were investigated as functions of methane to oxygen ratios and reactor temperature. XRD, BET and SEM were employed to characterize the crystalline phase, surface area and microstructure of prepared powders before and after the catalytic oxidation. According to the gas phase analysis with flow-through type reactor and gas chromatography system, LSC, SSC, and LSCF showed higher catalytic activity at fairly lower temperature around $400^{circ}C{sim}450^{circ}C$ whereas LSM and BSCF could be activated at much higher temperature above $600^{circ}C$. |
Key words:
Single Chamber SOFC, Mixed gas, Gas Chromatography, Catalytic activity |