Co3(PO4)2로 표면코팅한 Li[Co0.1Ni0.15Li0.2Mn0.55]O2의 리튬 2차전지용 양극재 특성 |
이상효, 김광만1, 구본급 |
한밭대학교 재료공학과 1한국전자통신연구원 IT-NT 그룹 이오닉스소자팀 |
Cathode Characteristics of Co3(PO4)2-Coated [Co0.1Ni0.15Li0.2Mn0.55]O2 for Lithium Rechargeable Batteries |
Sang-Hyo Lee, Kwang-Man Kim1, Bon-Keup Koo |
Department of Materials Engineering, Hanbat National University 1Ionics Devices Team, IT-NT Group, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) |
To prepare the high-capacity cathode material with improved electrochemical performances, nanoparticles of $C0_3(PO_4)_2$ were coated on the powder surface of $Li[Co_{0.1}Ni_{0.15}Li_{0.2}Mn_{0.55}]O_2$, which was already synthesized by simple combustion method. The coated powders after the heat treatment at >$700^{circ}C$ surely showed well-structured crystalline property with nanoscale surface coating layer, which was consisted of $LiCOPO_4$ phase formed from the reaction bwtween $CO_3(PO_4)_2$ and lithium impurities. In addition, cycle performance was particularly improved by the $CO_3(PO_4)_2$-coating for the cathode material for lithium rechargeable batteries. ₒޗ⨀ 잖⨀ vગ⨀ 㐣ગ⨀ ࠀ ⤁炧Ā炧Ā ̀ ޗ⨀ Ā Ā ࠀ 짵Ԃ炧Ā炧Ā ̀ Ā 㐣ગ⨀ 倀 烗舀 育缀 烲舀 舀 硵ગ⨀ ࠀ ─짵Ԃ─ 짵Ԃ─ ࠀ ⤁炧Ā炧Ā ̀ 硵ગ⨀ 聰㘂 낹缀 Ā 䂵ヨ⨀ 䡯֗⨀ 잖⨀ Ȁ d잖⨀ 잖⨀ Ā 䁥잖⨀ 끥잖⨀ ᐀ Āગ⨀ ႝޗ⨀ ℀ ႝޗ⨀ ℀ Ā 㐣ગ⨀ ࠀ ꤝ➨Ā➨Ā ̀ 㐣ગ⨀ 炧Ā ޗ⨀ ޗ⨀ ગ⨀ 㢣잖⨀ 塼ગ⨀ ऀ Ā 䡞誙 Ā |
Key words:
Cathode material, $CO_3(PO_4)_2$, Electrochemical properly, Lithium rechageable battery |