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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 44(8); 2007 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2007;44(8): 457.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2007.44.8.457
진공건조에 의한 Y, Ba, Cu 질산염의 Oxalate 침전물에 대한 연구
김배연, 이득용1, 김철민, 이창제, 정성식
인천대학교 신소재공학과
1대림대학 재료공학과
Characterization of Vacuum Dried Y, Ba, and Cu Oxalate Precipitates
Bae-Yeon Kim, Deuk-Yong Lee1, Chul-Min Kim, Chang-Jae Lee, Sung-Sik Jung
Department Materials Engineering, University of Incheon
1Department Materials Engineering, Daelim College of Technology
Y, Ba and Cu nitrates were precipitated by oxalic acid at pH 4. The Y, Ba and Cu oxalate powders were vacuum dried and characterized by XRD, DT/TGA and etc. Yttrium nitrate precipitated as $NH_4Y(C_2O_4){_2}H_2O$ and converted to $Y_2O_3$ above $450^{circ}C$. Ba precipitated with two phases, $Ba(HC_2O_4){_2}2H_2O;and;Ba(C_2O_4)$. The amount of each precipitates was 4 : 1, Cu precipitated non-hydrated form, $Cu(C_2O_4)$. The vacuum drying was successful to characterize precipitated powder, which had been generally known as amorphous gel.
Key words: Superconductor, Oxalate, Coprecipitation, Vacuum drying, XRD
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