물유리를 이용한 모노리스 실리카 에어로젤의 제조 및 구조강화 |
한인섭, 박종철, 김세영, 홍기석, 황해진1 |
에너지재료연구센터 한국에너지기술연구원 1인하대학교 재료공학과 |
Fabrication and Network Strengthening of Monolithic Silica Aerogels Using Water Glass |
In-Sub Han, Jong-Chul Park, Se-Young Kim, Ki-Seog Hong, Hae-Jin Hwang1 |
Energy Materials Research Center, Korea Institute of Energy Research 1Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Inha University |
Silica wet gels were prepared ken water glass ($29;wt%;SiO_{2}$) by using Amberlite as a ion exchange resin. After washing in distilled water, the wet gels were further aged in a solution of TEOS/EtOH to strengthen of 3-dimensional network structure. As increase TEOS content in aging solution, BET surface area and porosity of the ambient dried silica aerogels were significantly decreased, and average pore diameter was also decreased 30 nm to -10 nm. Also, higher density and compressive strength were obtained in case of higher TEOS content. This is due to precipitation of $SiO_{2}$ nano particles by TEOS. Hence, TEOS addition plays an important role of both strengthening and stiffness of silica wet gel network. By adding over 30 vol% TEOS, a crack-free monolithic silica aerogel tiles were obtained and its density, compressive strength, and thermal conductivity were shown $0.232g/cm^{3}$, 7.3 MPa, and 0.029 W/mk, respectivly. |
Key words:
Aerogel, Water glass, Wet gel, Network strengthening, Surface meodification |