화학증착법을 이용한 삼중 코팅 핵연료 제조에 관한 연구 |
김준규, 금이슬, 최두진, 김성순, 이홍림, 이영우1, 박지연1 |
연세대학교 신소재공학과 1한국원자력연구소 원자력수소생산사업팀 |
A Study on the CVD Deposition for SiC-TRISO Coated Fuel Material Fabrication |
Jun-Gyu Kim, E-Sul Kum, Doo-Jin Choi, Sung-Soon Kim, Hong-Lim Lee, Young-Woo Lee1, Ji-Yeon Park1 |
Department of Ceramic Engineering, Yonsei University 1Functional Materials, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute |
TRISO coated fuel particle is one of the most important materials for hydrogen production using HTGR (high temperature gas cooled reactors). It is composed of three isotropic layers: inner pyrolytic carbon (IPyC), silicon carbide (SiC), outer pyrolytic carbon (OPyC) layers. In this study, TRISO coated fuel particle layers were deposited through CVD process in a horizontal hot wall deposition system. Also the computational simulations of input gas velocity, temperature profile and pressure in the reaction chamber were conducted with varying process variable (i.e temperature and input gas ratios). As deposition temperature increased, microstructure, chemical composition and growth behavior changed and deposition rate increased. The simulation showed that the change of reactant states affected growth rate at each position of the susceptor. The experimental results showed a close correlation with the simulation results. |
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