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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 44(2); 2007 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2007;44(2): 71.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2007.44.2.071
Formation and Characterization of Chemically Combined [TEACOOH]-Montmorillonite/Polycaprolactone Nanocomposites
Sung-Jun Cho
Department of Nanopolymer Materials Engineering, Pai Chai University
A [TEACOOH]-Montmorillonite intercalations complex obtained from Na-Montmorillonite and 10-Carboxy-n-triethylammonium bromide was used to attempt the polymerization of ${varepsilon}$-caprolactone between the layer spaces of the intercalations complex to achieve Montmorillonite-Polycaprolactone nanocomposites in which the inorganic material (montmorillonite) is chemically combined with the organic polymer (polycaprolactone). The results of X-ray-, IR-, and TEM-analyses for samples obtained after polymerization showed that a polycondensation reaction was successfully produced. For a more precise investigation of the polymeric reaction products the polymerized products were separated from the silicate layers and analyzed with an IR-spectrometer. A comparison of the results of the IR-analyses of the separated polymer with that of the polymer synthesized by the reaction of ${varepsilon}$-caprolactone with only the organic cation and without montmorillonite showed that the two obtained polymers are the same compound.
Key words: ${\varepsilon}$-caprolactone, Nanocomposites, Inorganic material, Organic polymer
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