Li2ZrO3 분리막의 제조와 이산화탄소 선택투과 전후의 기계적 특성 평가 |
박상현, 이시우1, 유지행1, 우상국1, 이기성 |
국민대학교 기계자동차공학부 기계설계 1한국에너지 기술연구원 에너지재료연구센터 |
Fabrication of Li2ZrO3 Membrane and Evaluation on the Mechanical Properties Before and After CO2 Separation |
Sang-Hyun Park, Shi-Woo Lee1, Ji-Haeng Yu1, Sang-Kuk Woo1, Kee-Sung Lee |
School of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Kookmin University 1Energy Materials Research Center, Korea Institute of Energy Research |
In this study, we investigated $Li_2ZrO_3$ membrane as a candidate material for high-temperature $CO_2$ separation and evaluated mechanical property. $Li_2ZrO_3$ powder was synthesized by solid state reaction of $Li_2CO_3;and;ZrO_2$. Then we fabricated $Li_2ZrO_3$ tape using tape casting method. Dense $Li_2ZrO_3$ membrane prepared by sintering at $1600^{circ}C$ for 2 h after pressing $Li_2ZrO_3$ tape using lamination machine. Mechanical properties before and after $CO_2$ absorption of fabricated $Li_2ZrO_3$ membrane such as Hertzian indentation, Victors hardness and 3-point bending testing were evaluated. |
Key words:
$Li_2ZrO_3$, Tape casting, $CO_2$ membrane, Hertzian indentation, Lamination |