Ni의 산화가 고체산화물 연료전지용 Ni/YSZ 연료극의 미세조직과 전해질의 균열에 미치는 영향 |
임준실, 최종훈, 권오종1 |
(주)LG Philips LCD 1경북대학교 금속신소재공학과 |
Effect of Oxidation of Ni on the Microstructure of Ni/YSZ Anode and Crack Formation in YSZ Electrolyte Layer for SOFC |
Jun-Sil Lim, Jong-Joon Choi, Oh-Jong Kwon1 |
LG Philips LCD Co., Ltd. 1Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, Kyungpook National University |
The microstructural changes in Ni/YSZ anode substrate and crack formation during Ni oxidation were investigated. The composition of as-sintered anodes was 56 wt% NiO+44 wt% YSZ and that of electrolyte was 8 mol% yttria. After complete reduction, specimens were oxidized in $N_2$ + air at $600sim800^{circ}C$. Oxygen partial pressure was controlled in between 0.05 atm and 0.2 atm $O_2$. When the anode was oxidized, at higher than $690^{circ}C$, three layers were formed in the specimens. The first was fully oxidized layer(NiO/YSZ), the second was a mixed layer and the third, near-intact layer. Under $640^{circ}C$ such distinctive layers were not observed. Cracks formed at electrolyte layer when weight gain attained at $65sim75%$ of the total gain due to complete oxidation despite of different oxidation temperature and oxygen partial pressure. |
Key words:
SOFC, Ni/YSZ anode, YSZ electrode, Oxidation, Crack formation |