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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 43(7); 2006 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2006;43(7): 427.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2006.43.7.427
자전연소합성법에 의한 SiC 분말 제조시 반응변수의 영향
신창윤, 원형일, Hayk Nersisyan, 원창환
충남대학교 급속응고신소재연구소
The Investigation of Reaction Parameters on the Reactivity in the Preparation of SiC by SHS
Chang-Yun Shin, Hyung-Il Won, Hayk Nersisyan, Chang-Whan Won
Engineering Research Center for Rapidly Solidified Materials, Chungnam National University
The preparation of SiC powder by SHS in the system of $SiO_2-Mg-C$ was investigated in this study. The effects of various processing parameters such as the initial pressure of inert gas in reactor, the content of Mg and C in mixture and the size of $SiO_2$ particles on the synthesis of SiC by SHS methode were investigated. The minimum initial pressure of inert gas in reactor for SHS reaction in this system was 5 atm, and as the pressure increased, and the concentration of unreacted Mg decreased. At 50 atm of the initial inert gas pressure in reactor, the optimum composition for the preparation of pure SiC was $SiO_2+2.5Mg+1.2C$. SiC powder synthesized in this condition had a mixture of ${alpha}-SiC;and;{beta}-SiC$ with an irregular shape and the particle size of $0.5{sim}0.8{mu}m$.
Key words: SHS, SiC, Initial pressure, Unreacted Mg, Composition
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