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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 43(6); 2006 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2006;43(6): 383.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2006.43.6.383
La2O3 Doped ZnO-Pr6O11계 바리스터 세라믹스의 전기적 성질 및 안정성
동의대학교 전기공학과
Electrical Properties and Stability of La2O3 Doped ZnO-Pr6O11-Based Varistor Ceramics
Choon-Woo Nahm
Department of Electrical Engineering, Dongeui University
The varistor properties and DC accelerated aging characteristics of $ZnO-Pr_{6}O_{11}-CoO-Cr_{2}O_{3}$-based varistors were investigated at different $La_{2}O_3$ contents in the range of $0{sim}2.0mol%$. The varistors doped with 0.5 mol% $La_{2}O_3$ exhibited good nonlinearity, with 81.6 in nonlinear coefficient. Increasing the $La_{2}O_3$ content further to 2.0 mol% caused the sintered density to increase, and the breakdown voltage and nonlinearity to decrease abruptly. The varistors with 0.5 mol% $La_{2}O_3$ exhibited the high electrical stability, with -1.14% in variation rate of breakdown voltage, -3.7% in variation rate of nonlinear coefficient, and +100% in variation rate of leakage current for specified DC accelerated aging stress condition (95% of breakdown voltage/$150^{circ}C$/24 h).
Key words: Varistors, Nonlinearity, Stability, DC accelerated aging stress
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