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J. Korean Ceram. Soc. > Volume 43(4); 2006 > Article
Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society 2006;43(4): 253.
doi: https://doi.org/10.4191/kcers.2006.43.4.253
Binder Film을 이용한 LTCC Sheet 적층
신효순, 최용석1, 박은태1
요업기술원 시스템모듈사업단
1삼성전기주식회사 중앙연구소
Lamination of LTCC Sheet Using Binder Film
Hyo-Soon Shin, Yong-Seok Choi1, Eun-Tae Park1
System Module Group, Korea Institute Ceramic Engineering and Technology
1Central R&B Institute, Samsung Electro-Mechanics
In the lamination process of multi-layer ceramic modules, the occurrence of delamination comes into repeatedly. To completely improve the lamination process of LTCC sheets, a binder film was introduced between the layers. The binder film did not originate the delamination until the thickness under $40{mu}m$. After lamination, the thickness of the binder film was determined by the infilteraion of binder by the pressure, and after the bake-out, was dependent on the decomposition of binder resin. Any detectable defect was not observed in the multilayer structure with Ag inner electrodes.
Key words: LTCC, Lamination, Binder film
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